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Sing Along at Jewtica!

Utica's Hallelujah
Original song by Leonard Cohen, Lyrics by Ruth Wolf

We’re not on earth for very long
That’s why we’re here to sing this song
To let you know we’re all in this together
Lets raise our voices to the sky
Take a breath and breathe a sigh

And all sing out a rousing Hallelujah


Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah


We pray for peace. That’s not enough.
In times like these to do our stuff

We need to share and show we care in UTICA
Let’s make a difference where we are
And spread our kindness near and far
Then all join in and sing Hallelujah


Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah


We need to face the facts  it’s true It’s not just ME.  It’s not just YOU.
Let’s get it done. Keep trying till we’ve won.
Let’s make a difference where we are.

And spread our kindness near and far.

Then all join in and sing Hallelujah


Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

We must obey the golden rule

It isn’t dumb, it’s really cool
Treat each other well, lets sing together

Let’s raise our voices to the sky

Take a breath and breathe a sigh.
Then all join in and sing Hallelujah


Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah


Song by Idan Raichel

Hasha'ot ha'aiyefot shelo notnot lazman laruts

Haraglayim hakvedot shelo mots'ot siba lalechet

Hayamim vehaleylot kmo hapanim shebatmunot

Hakol otser milechet kshe'atah lo kan


U'mit'oreret mechalom u'margisha otcha karov

Ve'az koret lecha mitoch halaila


Tachzor, tachzor hayom

Kol kach ratsiti shetagia

Halvai tavo bli lehodia od hayom

Ani migdal shel or

Mimerchakim sheshuv tofia

Halvai tavo bli lehodia od hayom



Come Back


The hours of fatigue that don't let time pass by

The heavy legs that can't find a reason to move

The days and nights like faces in the pictures

Everything stops moving when you aren't here


And I wake from a dream and feel you are close

And then call out to you from the night


Come back, come back today

I so wanted you to come

I wish that you'll show up today

Without advance notice

I'm a tower of light

That from the distance will appear again

I wish that you'll show up today

Without advance notice 



Yerushalayim Shel Zahav

Song by Naomi Shemer


Avir harim tzalul kayayin
Vereiach oranim,
Nisa beru'ach ha'arbayim
Im kol pa'amonim.

Uvetardemat ilan va'even
Shvuyah bachalomah,
Ha'ir asher badad yoshevet /nitzevet
Uvelibah chomah.

Yerushalayim shel zahav
Veshel nechoshet veshel or
Halo lechol shirayich ani kinor.

Eicha yavshu borot hamayim
Kikar hashuk reikah,
Ve'ein poked et har habayit
Ba'ir ha'atikah.

Uvame'arot asher basela
Meyalelot ruchot,
Ve'ein yored el yam hamelach
Bederech Yericho.


Ach bevo'i hayom lashir lach
Velach lik'shor k'tarim,
Katonti mitze'ir bana'ich
Ume'acharon ham'shorerim.

Ki shmech tzorev et hasfatayim
Keneshikat saraf ,
Im eshkachech Yerushalayim
Asher kulah zahav


Chazarnu el borot hamayim
Lashuk velakikar,
Shofar kore behar habayit
ba'ir ha'atikah.

Uvame'arot asher baselah
Alfei shmashot zorchot,
Nashuv nered el yam hamelach
Bederech Yericho!


Jerusalem of Gold



The mountain air is clear as wine
And the scent of pines
Is carried on the breeze of twilight
With the sound of bells.

And in the slumber of tree and stone
Captured in her dream
The city that sits solitary
And in its midst is a wall.

Jerusalem of gold
And of copper, and of light
Behold I am a violin for all your songs.

How the cisterns have dried
The market-place is empty
And no one frequents the Temple Mount
In the Old City.

And in the caves in the mountain
Winds are howling
And no one descends to the Dead Sea
By way of Jericho.


But as I come to sing to you today,
And to adorn crowns to you (i.e. to tell your praise)
I am the smallest of the youngest of your children (i.e. the least worthy of doing so)
And of the last poet (i.e. of all the poets born).

For your name scorches the lips
Like the kiss of a seraph
If I forget thee, Jerusalem,
Which is all gold


We have returned to the cisterns
To the market and to the market-place
A ram's horn calls out on the Temple Mount
In the Old City.

And in the caves in the mountain
Thousands of suns shine -
We will once again descend to the Dead Sea
By way of Jericho!


The Prayer

Song by David Foster, Carole Bayer Sager, Tony Renis and Alberto Testa


I pray you'll be our eyes, and watch us where we go
And help us to be wise in times when we don't know
Let this be our prayer, when we lose our way
Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace
To a place where we'll be safe

La luce che tu hai
I pray we'll find your light
Nel cuore resterà
And hold it in our hearts
A ricordarci che
When stars go out each night
L'eterna stella sei

Nella mia preghiera
Let this be our prayer
Quanta fede c'è
When shadows fill our day

Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe
Sogniamo un mondo senza più violenza
Un mondo di giustizia e di speranza
Ognuno dia la mano al suo vicino
Simbolo di pace, di fraternità


La forza che ci dà
We ask that life be kind
È il desiderio che
And watch us from above
Ognuno trovi amor
We hope each soul will find
Intorno e dentro sé
Another soul to love

Let this be our prayer, let this be our prayer
Just like every child, just like every child

Need to find a place
Guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe
È la fede che
Hai acceso in noi
Sento che ci salvera

The Prayer



I pray you'll be our eyes, and watch us where we go
And help us to be wise in times when we don't know
Let this be our prayer, when we lose our way
Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace
To a place where we'll be safe

The light that you give
I pray we'll find your light
In my heart it will remain
And hold it in our hearts
To remind us that
When stars go out each night
You are the eternal star

In my prayer
Let this be our prayer
There is so much faith
When shadows fill our day

Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe
We dream of a world with no more violence

A world of justice and hope

Everyone shakes hands with their neighbor

A symbol of peace and fraternity


The strength that you give us
We ask that life be kind
And the desire that
And watch us from above
Everyone will find love
We hope each soul will find
Around and inside themselves
Another soul to love

Let this be our prayer, let this be our prayer
Just like every child, just like every child

Need to find a place
Guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe
And the faith that
You have ignited within us
I feel it will save us

Image by David Holifield
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